

Erie Coke

While some people see Saffrin as having been dealt a bad hand with Tonawanda Coke, he’s responsible for a similar factory – Erie Coke in Erie, Pa. Erie Coke paid more than $4.8 million in fines related to federal environmental charges between 2010 and 2017, according to Good Jobs First, an economic development policy group that tracks companies with records of environmental and safety violations. The federal Environmental Protection Agency sued Erie Coke in 2016, saying the company had failed to prevent emissions of the cancer-causing chemical benzene. In April 2017, officials of the EPA and U.S. Justice Department confirmed a...
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Tonawanda Coke Plant closes, leading environmentalist to worry that their business may come here

Residents and organizations worried about pollution from Erie Coke get a chance to speak out. Emissions from that plant have been a concern for years. In 2010, Erie Coke agreed to pay $6 million in fines and replace more than two dozen ovens. The company is now in a permit review process by the state. That’s why a group called ‘Hold Erie Coke Accountable’ held a meeting Thursday night, stressing what they see as big problems. Environmental Scientist Mike Campbell says, “Erie Coke has a history of violations of its air permit in particular, and the pollutants that come from...
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Neighbors Concerned About Erie Coke

A meeting is being held tonight involving neighbors who live close to the Erie Coke plant.  The plant is under a lot of scrutiny because it continues to rack up pollution violations at the same time it is asking for its operating permit to be renewed. It’s all because of action that took place this past week in Tonawanda, New York.  A coke plant in that community, with the same ownership as Erie Coke, was shut down much to the delight of the state government and local citizens. Tonawanda Coke closed after filing for bankruptcy, still owing millions in pollution...
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Environmentalists, Activists Welcome News of Tonawanda Coke’s Closure

The scheduled shutdown of Tonawanda Coke comes after a decade of complaints and protests for cleaner air in the area. Activists say it’s a victory for lawmakers and environmentalists who began collecting air samples in 2004 and got New York State involved. As a result of community organizing, the plant was raided in 2009 and cited for environmental health violations. On Friday, Tonawanda Coke contacted the Department of Environmental Conservation and said they are unable to pay air permit fees and legally operate the plant. Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil Seggos said, “For too long, Tonawanda Coke has been a mismanaged blight on this community, and its...
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Erie Coke still operating after sister plant closes

Tonawanda Coke closed less than a week after filing for bankruptcy. Erie Coke is not closing, even though its sister plant outside Buffalo has ceased operations. Tonawanda Coke completed its shutdown process, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced Tuesday. The facility’s gas lines have been purged and all coke ovens are empty‎. Meanwhile, Erie Coke continues to operate. Company officials declined to comment, but a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection spokeswoman said DEP has not been notified about any changes at the bayfront plant, which is located at the foot of East Avenue. “Erie Coke has not...
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