

DEP issues new violation notices to Erie Coke

State agency claims one of the violations took place during a recent multi-day court hearing about the plant’s operations. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has notified Erie Coke Corp. of three new violations of its current operating permit including one that the DEP said occurred during a six-day administrative law hearing on the embattled plant’s operations. The notices of violation were filed on July 25 and sent to Erie Coke, located at the foot of East Avenue, via certified mail. The notices were also posted Tuesday on the DEP’s website. The violations, according to the letters, dealt with air...
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Our view: Time to clear air at Erie Coke

An unanswered question looms over Erie Coke’s repeated, years-long clashes with environmental regulators: What has been the effect of the plant’s repeated failure to abide by laws meant to protect the public? In the current fight to retain its Title V operating permit, the second such contest in nine years, Erie Coke officials said the company’s analysis — conducted by a hired expert with data supplied by the company — shows a negligible risk of cancer posed by plant emissions. Perhaps that finding will be borne out. We hope so. But the public should not be asked to rely on...
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Erie Coke Hearing Concludes; Judge Will Not Make Immediate Ruling

The hearing was convened after the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection denied the renewal of Erie Coke’s operating permit. A hearing wrapped up Thursday to determine if Erie Coke can remain open after numerous air pollution violations. The hearing was convened after the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) denied the renewal of Erie Coke’s operating permit.   It was conducted by the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board with Judge Steven Beckman presiding. No closing arguments were made after testimony ended Thursday afternoon.  Instead, attorneys from both sides will submit briefs to Judge Beckman for his review. Those briefs must be submitted...
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Judge to decide on Erie Coke’s future

Testimony before Environmental Hearing Board judge focused on why DEP denied the plant’s operating permit. The fate of Erie Coke Corp. now rests with a judge on the state Environmental Hearing Board. Erie Coke and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on Thursday wrapped up a marathon six-day hearing that will determine, at least temporarily, whether the coke plant at the foot of East Avenue can continue operating. A decision will not come for several weeks. Erie Coke and the DEP have until Aug. 7 to submit briefs summarizing their positions. Environmental Hearing Board Judge Steven C. Beckman will rule...
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